Health and Safety
We take health and safety (H&S) seriously here at Rapid Readymix. Whether we’re out at a site pouring concrete or at our main yard in Morden, we always uphold the strictest health and safety standards and processes to ensure our team and customers are as safe as possible at all times. Our H&S policy reduces and protects our team from the general hazards of working on a construction site – from large vehicles and powerful machinery to heights, dust and general trip risks. This means that, when you hire the Rapid Readymix team for concrete delivery, you can rest assured that your construction project is in safe hands.

Regular vehicle checks
Our volumetric mixers and concrete pumps are at the core of our concrete delivery service – enabling us to batch the exact volume and blend of readymix concrete that you require, and pour it precisely at your site. All our vehicles are inspected on a daily basis by our operators, and undergo scheduled compliancy checks with manufacturers every six weeks, to ensure that they are completely safe to use. We also have an in-house workshop that means that, if one of the vehicles’ batching plants needs repairing, we can do so at our yard whenever needed.
As per our H&S policy, we carry out regular maintenance checks on all our lifting equipment, tools and pressure-testing resources, so that our team can carry out their work without risk.

Weekly yard H&S checks
We are dedicated to maintaining high standards of H&S across all aspects of our operations, and a big part of this is ensuring the safety of our yard and general operations. We carry out weekly routine checks at our yard – inspecting factors like housekeeping, general site H&S (e.g. identifying and rectifying trip hazards) and fall-arrest equipment. Site safety is overseen by our yard managers, who our team can come to with questions or concerns at any time.

H&S training for all
Our H&S policy highlights our commitment to providing ‘information, instruction, training and supervision’ for our team. Each of our team members has received training to the level required for their position. Some of our staff have also received further training – for example, to become first aiders, banksmen, JCB drivers (National Plant Operators Registration Scheme (NPORS)) or road sweeper operators.

PPE must be worn at all times
Every member of our team must wear full PPE when they are onsite at a project or at our yard – regardless of the job they’re doing. Full PPE includes full-length trousers, a hi-vis jacket, a hard hat, eye protection and a face mask. To enhance the safety of the breathing equipment, each mask is professionally fitted to our operators’ unique face shapes.
These are just some of the ways we implement our strict H&S standards across our everyday operations. By doing this, we hope to instil a strong H&S culture throughout Rapid Readymix.
If you would like to find out more about Rapid Readymix’s H&S policy, or would like to hire us for expert concrete delivery, contact us today.
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